Sunday, March 16, 2014

Space-Time Fantasy

As most who have followed this blog likely know I am a fantasy writer. I've recently read a certain blogger who discussed the argument of who should be called a writer, and who should be called an author. I won't dignify a response nor name the blogger as I feel his perspective is just, how shall I say it, ridiculous.

I have tried to spread my reading around lately, getting a feel for differing genres. With both work and writing, getting the time to read can be, well, challenging to say the least. The thought behind that was to see if reading other styles would help influence my writing in a positive way. I can say it has to some degree. But, at some point you need to delve back into reading the genre you work in. It injects a measure of fervor back into your own writings.

With all that said, I have recently finished a book by fellow fantasy author John Daulton. John is a solid writer and I was impressed by his novel, Galactic Mage. John has been writing for many years in the world of fantasy, and has taken this world and successfully blended it with the sci-fi genre. The Galactic Mage has married a wizardly fantasy world with space aliens. It was a cool read.

I mentioned previously that I would be passing along works of authors that I have read, authors whose works I have enjoyed. John Daulton is one such author. If you are a sci-fi or fantasy reader, he is more than worth a look. I hope you enjoy this recommendation.

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