Thursday, November 23, 2017

What's this Thanksgiving thing?

As Americans we have a holiday the seems to be unique to our culture, our way of life. I'm sure that there are other countries and cultures that do have something similar, however I just don't know about them. I do know various people who live elsewhere in the world and each one I have asked shares the same tale; they have no Thanksgiving type tradition.

So what are we to do with this holiday? Apparently we are to do useless things with it. At one point in time it was truly about giving thanks for the bounty that has graced this land. This country isn't perfect. We all suffer through the slings and arrows of everyday life. The world isn't fair but we must strive to make the best with what we have. Sharing that day with family has always been of prime importance. Not everyone stands on an equal footing with what they have, with what they have struggled against in their lives. But having family about and celebrating what we do have is the spirit of this day. I remember the days of my childhood. We didn't have much but we had love of family and faith.

Unfortunately this holiday has turned into just another day for many people. Years ago all the restaurants and retail stores were closed. You see, those people have families too. The only ones that had to go to work were those who protected us and kept us alive; doctors, nurses, police and firemen. With the proliferation of the all-encompassing consumerism, those times have passed. Too many are forced to leave their family gatherings early or not attend at all to go wait on others as they shop for stuff they don't really need at prices they think are too good to be true.

The Christmas season is upon us with the passing of this day. The coming season and all it stands for is something I still love to this day. It more than any time of the year is for family, for celebration, for prayer. It's time we get back to the spirit of Thanksgiving and let everyone share the day away from work and with their families. One more day won't kill anyone, will it?

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