Thursday, December 30, 2010

A final farewell

It is the time of year when we look back and review the year just past. It is a feature news broadcasts, magazines and newspapers show for weeks. What do we remember about the year past? As a general rule I do not follow these lists closely. They run the gamut from sports champions, tragic stories, the political headlines and everything in-between. Although one should remember the past as it gives a foundation to grow with, one should not live continually there. Look to the future.

That being said, the one list I tend to find or listen to or read is the one that reminds us of who we lost, who has passed from this earthly world. I read this not as a fascination of mortality or as a morbid curiosity, but as a passing farewell to those who I have known from afar as my life moves on. You find that you have heard of the deaths of most but every year there are one or two where the news slipped by or you just forgot.

This years deaths held some memorable personalities, some of long-time fame and celebrity while others held sway over several generations for other reasons. Some may not spring to mind as they aren't famous in the Hollywood sense but what they contributed was more than influential. As I place virtually no one of fame or celebrity on a pedestal, there were a few names that left me saddened as they were stars from my parents days.

If you are a list follower I hope you find one that tickles your fancy. I for one will look forward hoping the coming year brings joy and new discoveries.

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