Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Madness of March

The Madness of March can take many forms. If you are involved in a basketball pick-em pool, you may find yourself chasing the jack, as you root for a team to win their game so they can advance and perhaps earn you that vital point that means you win the pool; conversely, you may also find yourself rooting for your favorite team to win (OSU, perhaps), knowing full well you picked against them in the pool. So, it is a wash; whomever wins you can get some satisfaction.

On the other hand, you must contemplate the unthinkable: picking a team to win that you really despise since you have seen how good they can be; oft times it is a consolation that their upset loss cost you big points in the pool, but you love the fact that they flat-out choked.

The Madness of March also invades other parts of our lives. The month of March, the coming of spring after a cold winter, and strange thought patterns all converged at various times in my younger life to produce mental meanderings that caused to me wonder: Why are we here? How can you go through life not wanting to be famous? Or rich? What is it I want to do? How will I look when I am old? How old is "old"?

I always had the questions running through my mind, and never gave a thought to how to answer said questions.

I am only certain, in my mind, of two of those: we are here to do the best we possibly can, to live and love and try to leave this world a better place, and I believe "old" begins at 85.

If you stop learning and living, "old" can begin a lot earlier than that. I hope to be able to tell you, when I get to 85, that "old" starts somewhere after that. I am planning on having my mid-life crisis at age 100, so maybe it starts then.


  1. Mid-life is always at least 10 years older than I am. Ed, however, says that you're not old until your baby sister hits 50. All of you will be old (by his definition) in October. I, however, will never reach that stage of life!

  2. Middle age is always ten years older than you are; I'd rather be rich than famous and Ed shall here-to-fore be known as Graybeard. I refuse to call him #1. Don't know about #2 yet. I shall consider it.

  3. Graybeard fits him well, as does Luddite. I did give him this url just in case he ever gets to a computer!

  4. I have rendered a secondary decision that #2 shall here-to-fore have the moniker 'the moustache'.

  5. Hmmm...I was think of "Star-Crossed", but "The Moustache" will do. Perhaps just "Stache"?
